Exceptional Children » Federal and NC Guidelines I

Federal and NC Guidelines I

Child Find
The Expedition School will focus early intervention systems that include a public awareness effort that focuses on the early identification of children who are eligible for services. Child Find is for identifying children from ages three through twenty-one who are suspected of having an educational disability and who may be eligible for special education and related services.
What is Project Child Find? An effort coordinated by your local school system and the Exceptional Children's Division of the State Department of Public Instruction, to locate and identify children and youth ages birth through 21 with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services.  The mission is also to inform parents and/or guardians of the services available from their local school system and other state and community agencies. 

Who are the Children?

Children and youth who have been diagnosed or are suspected to have intellectual, physical, and/or emotional disabilities and are unable to benefit from a regular school program without special assistance may be eligible to receive special education services. If you know of a child or youth with disabilities who is not in school or receiving special assistance, you can help by encouraging the parent or guardian to contact Susan Humbert, Exceptional Children’s Director, The Expedition School at 919 245 8432.

For more information regarding Project Child Find, click here for a brochure with more detailed information.

Transfers from an LEA Outside of NC

When a student transfers to The Expedition School from another state, and there is indication of exceptional children services, the following procedures will be applied:

  1. Release form: TES will get a parent signature on the “Consent for Release of Information” so that the confidential information can be sent to our school.  Although a signature is not mandatory, it usually expedites the process.
  2. Begin services:  If the student transfers with an active IEP, comparable services are to be provided until there is a new IEP.
  3. Review file:  The EC teacher will review the file and consult with the school psychologist to make certain there is documentation of all the required information/evaluations required for placement according to NC Policies. Out of state transfers will be treated as an initial referral even if no additional information is needed.

Reference:  NC Policies 1503-4.4 (f) 

Special Education Students Transferring into The Expedition School from Schools inside NC

When a student transfers from another LEA in NC, TES in consultation with the parent, must provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) without delay, including special education and related services comparable to those described in the most recent IEP developed by the sending LEA until:

  1. TES adopts the child’s IEP (including the evaluation and eligibility determination) from the previous LEA
  2. TES adopts the child’s evaluation and eligibility determination from the previous LEA and conducts an IEP team meeting to review and revise the IEP; or
  3. TES develops, adopts, and implements a new IEP. 
  4. If TES cannot implement all of the sending LEA’s IEP, it must provide services comparable to those described in the child’s IEP from the sending LEA and hold an IEP meeting to create its own IEP as soon as possible after the student enrolls.