Transportation & Carline
Drop Off/Pick Up at TES
Morning Drop-Off Time: 7:35-7:58* (NO student drop-off prior to 7:35am)
*Please Note: Students must be in their seat at 8am in order to be on time. Students arriving later than the 7:58am bell will be counted as tardy and parents must park, walk in and sign in their child.
Drop off Options
- The “kiss-and-go” carpool drop off lane, which loops around the building. For safety, only allow your child to exit the vehicle when a school safety patrol student is ready to assist your child. Students must exit the vehicle from the passenger side only. Parents must not get out of their vehicles in the kiss-and-go lane.
- Parents can park at Gold Park and walk their child over to the front door. All parties must use the crosswalk and wait for a TES staff member to cross them from the parking area to the front door.
Afternoon Pick-Up: 3:15-3:35*
*Late fees may apply for late pick up.
Pick Up Options
- Carline Pick Up. Pick Up Cards must be displayed and easily visible. There will be numbered zones–cones will be placed indicating each zone. As cars approach, staff will call out students to go to one of the zones where you will be parked.
- Parents can park at Gold Park and walk to the school to pick up their child at the front door. All parties must use the crosswalk and wait for a TES staff member to cross them from the parking area to the front door.
Early Release Wednesday
Pick-Up: 1:15- 1:30 or at the end of your child’s last club (2:15-2:25 or 3:15-3:25)
Late fees apply on early release Wednesdays immediately after the car circle window (as listed above) ends.
Carline Safety Guidelines:
- Drop off and pick up is not an appropriate time to talk with staff or other parents.
- Speed limit is 5mph around the entire complex. Take curves very slowly!
- Parents must NOT park in the kiss-and-go carpool lanes between 7:30-8:15 AM and between 2:45 and 3:35 PM.
- Carpool lane is a no passing, no cell phone zone.
- Children must be able to buckle themselves. (If a child needs help buckling, you need to continue around the building to the loading dock area, then pull to the side to safely assist your child.)
- Always display the Pick Up Card–Anyone picking up must have this card displayed. Keep card displayed until your children are in the car. If you need a new card, ask the front office to make another.
- Students should have belongings ready to go so that they can exit the car quickly.
- Students MUST exit on the passenger side of the vehicle.
- Remain patient and attentive to ensure an efficient and peaceful car line.
Please CLICK HERE and review the Carline Procedures.
TES Car Pool
While TES does not currently provide busing to and from school for our students, we are committed to ensuring that transportation is not a barrier for any family choosing to attend TES. The school will help assist families to try to find a carpool situation. Please contact the School Services Coordinator for assistance.